Bienvenue !

I'm PLN, and I love to transform…

…code into solutions to human problems

At Algolia, I create technologies to help humans find things, get inspired, and be understood.

…code into music

As ParVagues, I write patterns that shape soundwaves.

…code into animated pixelscapes

Using Hydra, I create animations that offer windows into other worlds.

…ideas into talks

I speak about topics I care about: from sharing my passions and teaching useful patterns, to questioning our current mental models.

Most recent talks
  • Panel on RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation)

    Roundtable with Pierre Peigné, Chief Science Officer at PRISM Eval & Alessandro Benedetti, Director at Sease, on Retrieval-Augmented Generation: why it's relevant today, what are the potential benefits and risks, and how to do it properly to capture most of its value in your projects.
  • Image Recommendations: the Good, Bad, and Ugly Use-Cases

    What data do you use to fuel your product carousels? Textual attributes? Business-relevant metadata? These are all good, but you may have something else valuable: solid product images. But whichs use-cases are a good fit for image-based recommendations?
  • Where's the beef? Evaluating the quality of content in your GenAI Project

    So you created a GenAI project based on your company's content and some LLMs. Is the generated content any good? From eyeballing it during development to state-of-the-art user behavior tracking, there are many ways you can approach this. In this talk, you'll se a GenAI feature currently in Private beta at Algolia; how we approached generating content for diverse, global customers; and a few techniques you can try for qualitative and quantitative assessments of your own generative projects!